Frequently Asked Questions
What is Assistive Technology (AT)?
AT is any tool, software, or app that can help people with disabilities, including older adults, do what they want to do.
What is an Assistive Technology Demonstration?
A demonstration provides an individual the opportunity to compare and contrast features of different AT devices, for the purpose of making a decision on whether a device will meet their needs. *A demonstration is not the same as an assessment that someone might receive from an occupational or physical therapist, as an example.
Where can I purchase Assistive Technology?
The MATP can provide many resources on where to purchase AT items, as the MATP is not able to. There are several options listed on the funding page of this site. The MATP also does not promote one device over another.
What is the Michigan Assistive Technology Program (MATP)?
The MATP is a free federally funded program. MATP is designed for anyone in Michigan to gain access to and learn about Assistive Technology (AT) options.
What areas of the state does the MATP serve?
The MATP serves the entire state of Michigan, including the Upper Peninsula.
How does the MATP provide services?
The MATP is able to offer both in-person and virtual services.
What services are offered?
The MATP is a free, federally funded program, as stated in the AT Act, there are specific services that include: information and assistance, device demonstrations, loans of devices, trainings, and other activities such as awareness and technical assistance.
What devices are available through the MATP?
The MATP has many high-tech and low-tech options available for demonstration. Many of the devices can be found on the device library page of this site.
AT options available through MATP cover areas such as:
- vision loss
- cooking / eating
- reading
- time management and organizing
- communication
- connecting with friends and family
- mental health
- outdoor recreation
- gaming
- crafting
- parenting
- gardening
Who can Receive Services Through the MATP?
The MATP is a program for people with disabilities, by people with disabilities. Anyone with a disability, older adults, and those who support individuals of these communities can participate in services offered by the MATP.
Will it cost anything to participate?
MATP services usually do not cost anything for someone to participate.
Does the MATP provide any training or webinars on Assistive Technology?
Yes. Be sure to reach out to MATP to ask about what education/training opportunities are available.
How can I find out more about MATP or AT devices in general?
The MATP welcomes individuals, families, community organizations, businesses, schools, and other entities. to reach out by using any form of contact that is best for the individual or organization. This can be through the web form, email, or by phone.

Still have questions? Contact Us!
Office Phone Number (517) 333-2477
Toll Free Phone Number (800) 578-1269
Fax # (517) 333-2677
3498 East Lake Lansing Road, Suite 100,
East Lansing, MI 48823
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