Try it Before You Buy It–Short Term Loans
Thursday, May 11, 2017

By Aimee Sterk, LMSW, MATP Program Staff
Michigan’s Assistive Technology Program has a short term loan program. This program allows you to borrow equipment, free of charge, from our inventory, after you participate in a demonstration of the device(s).
Device loans are useful if you are considering a purchase and want to “test drive” a particular product, especially devices that are more complicated or devices that you will use in multiple settings. This way, you can see if the device works for you in the places you would use it.
Our short term device loan program is not intended as a loan closet, not a loaner while your equipment is out for repair, nor to meet the need for a device for a temporary disability. However, there is a network of multiple loan closets throughout the State of Michigan who do provide this type of loan.
Currently short term loans are available in the Upper Peninsula, the Lansing Area, and Oakland and Macomb Counties. Reports from people who have used short term loans are 100% positive. Everyone surveyed who has participated in a short term device loan has been highly satisfied or satisfied. Vision devices have been most popular but devices for hearing, computer access, and cognition have also been well-received. These included magnifiers, big button telephones, reminder clocks, Livescribe pens, adapted keyboards and mice, and TV amplifiers.
People have also tried out devices they might use in transitioning out of the nursing home, back to the community.
If you would like to borrow a device for a short period of time to see if it might work for you in your day-to-day life, contact:
Kellie Blackwell, Disability Network Capital Area (Lansing) 877-652-0403
Carolyn Boyle, Superior Alliance for Independent Living (Marquette) 800-379-7245
Traci Comer or Jenell Williams, Disability Network Oakland Macomb (Southfield) 248-359-8960
Sharon Lotoczky, Macomb Library for the Blind/Low Vision (Clinton Twp) 855-203-5274