What’s Cooking?
Friday, September 22, 2017

By Guest Blogger: Kellie Blackwell, Disability Network Capital Area
When it comes to cooking, I have often shied away from trying many things. I have a gas stove and this can present some challenges with low vision, another reason is that I like being able to follow a recipe. It was not until I began pairing the All Recipes skill from my Echo with other types of AT, that I began thinking more and more was possible. Even though the skill has been changed and does not offer quite as much in the way of hands-free step-by-step verbal instruction, it is still very useful when you need quick, easy access to recipes, the ingredients, and the cooking instructions.
I find now, I am using the skill more so for the list of ingredients. Why you might ask? I have recently been introduced to using a rice cooker, yes, I said rice cooker, for a creative and simple way to make a variety of dishes. So far, I have made a turkey meat loaf, scrambled eggs, and taco meat in my rice cooker! The rice cooker has provided a way to cook smaller, healthier options with the touch of one button! I am loving it! I also have had the chance to use my talking digital cooking thermometer to ensure the proper temperature of the meat. It has been a game changer in the kitchen!
Other types of useful AT for low vision I have used in the kitchen include; the double-sided spatula and bump dots for my microwave. I have also purchased a Keurig for an easier way to enjoy my cup of coffee in the morning. The K-Cups are pre-measured and there is no longer a concern of pouring the hot liquid from the pot into a cup!
If you are interested in trying out some of these items, visit the Assistive Technology tab on the Disability Network Capital Area website to set up a demonstration of low vision and a variety of other devices!