Don’t Fail that Fall
Tuesday, June 12, 2018

by Aimee Sterk
Did you know that one out of three adults age 65 and older fall each year? had such a great post about falls prevention, and safety, we wanted to share it here.
Falls are the number one cause of fractures, hospital admissions for trauma, loss of independence and injury or deaths for seniors. But you can take action! Learn how to prevent falls outdoors and at home or take a falls risk self-assessment. Visit the website of the Fall Prevention Center of Excellence to find information to keep you and your loved ones safe from falls. The site has resources for older adults and caregivers, including the three main strategies of fall prevention: balance training and physical activity, medical management and environmental or home modifications. Get answers to frequently asked questions about falls and aging adults from the National Institutes of Health’s Learn about fall prevention programs and strategies from the National Falls Prevention Resource Center. For more information, read “6 Steps for Preventing Falls” for more information.