Easi-Grip Contoured Handle Carving Knife
The Easi-Grip Contoured Handle Carving Knife is an adapted kitchen knife with a large, upright handle that is comfortable to grip. The angle of the non-slip, soft feel handle helps keep the wrist in a natural position, preventing strain and discomfort.The contoured handle of this lightweight carving knife is molded in a soft plastic and set at a 90 degree angle from the blade. The handle was designed especially for people with weak hands or wrists, but is comfortable for all users. The ergonomic handle provides a firm grip in either hand and can be used safely with wet or greasy hands. The bright color highlights the special soft-feel non-slip areas on the handle. The Easi-Grip Contoured Handle Carving Knife has stainless steel blade that measures 7.5 inches long and 1 inch wide, and includes a protective cover. The handle measures 5.25 inches long, tapers from 2 inches wide at the base to 1.5 inches wide at the top, and 1.25 inches high. Peta Easi-Grip knives are dishwasher safe. Easi-Grip Contoured Handle Carving Knife Features:Designed for people with weak hands or wrists.Non-slip, soft-feel, large grip, contoured handle.Unique angle of the handle keeps hand and wrist in a stress free position.Easi-Grip Contoured Handle Carving Knife Specifications:Measures: Overall length: 9.5 inches.Weighs: 5.5 oz.Blade: Stainless steel.Care: Dishwasher safe.
Category: Activities of Daily Living
Vendor URL: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B00OQTZSL2/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o08__o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Replacement Cost: $12.95

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