Hominid X Fiber Grasp – Navy & Hominid X Modern Cuff – Seafoam
Every aspect of this product was carefully optimized to make daily tasks such as eating, drinking, writing, and using the phone effortless. With an innovative grasping mechanism, Fiber allows for a natural and conformal grasp around many objects. With several points of adjustability one standard size can be tailored to fit the needs of every user. Fiber’s unique design is based on a force-balanced, complementary pair of straps that create a truly conformal flexion motion in the fingers while maintaining a natural and comfortable grasp. Stop letting hand weakness and paralysis hold you back. Try Fiber today and start reclaiming your independence and quality of life. This product is intended for those with an active range of motion in their shoulder and elbow but with little or no strength in their hands. https://hominidx.com/products/fiber-grip.
An innovative approach to the traditional universal cuff. The Modern Cuff is designed to help those with low to no grip strength complete daily activities for independent care; such as feeding and personal hygiene. After a one-time adjustment, our cuff is able to fit a wide range of hand sizes. The Modern Cuff band is made out of high-quality and soft silicone making it comfortable, durable, and waterproof. The self-locking pocket allows the user to choose whether an object can pass all the way through the pocket (for writing vs. feeding). A wide, flared pocket opening makes it easy for wearers with limited mobility to guide utensils into the pocket. This adaptable living aid is recommended for those with low to no grip strength in one or both hands. https://hominidx.com/products/modern-cuff
Category: Activities of Daily Living

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