Reizen Samba Soccer Ball with Bells
For Audible Soccer Play in Any Weather
Bells inside ball for audible tracking
Maximum bounce and air retention
Size 5 (8.5” Diam.) Regulation size for ages 13 to adult
The Reizen Samba Soccer Ball with Bells is a standard regulation size 5 (8.5″ diam.) soccer ball. It is economically priced, yet is light, soft and provides dynamic performance. Specially designed rust proof, non-magnetic jingling bells on the inside allow for audible tracking of the ball.
A soft polyurethane coating makes this ball suitable for both artificial and natural playing surfaces. Provides excellent all-weather performance. Suitable for extended use in wet conditions. Water-resistant. 100-percent latex bladder provides maximum bounce and twice the air retention of other match balls. 32-panel design with hand-sewn seams. Color: White with grey and blue imprinted design. 8.5-inch Diameter. Size: 5. This is the international standard match ball for all ages 13 and older, including all adult play.
NOTE: We recommend using a needle with a round tip and air holes on both sides for inflation.
Category: Exercise Equipment and Recreation, Vision Loss
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Replacement Cost: $25.75
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