Rust-Oleum Spray Grip
The Rust-Oleum Economy Spray Grip Accessory makes it easier for you to apply spray coatings. It changes the release mechanism from pressing down on the nozzle to pulling a trigger. This Rust-Oleum comfort grip has a safety lock that prevents paint from spraying unexpectedly. The trigger action of the can allows it to dispense a smooth, professional finish. You can utilize this tool for any big spray paint job, from large tasks to hobby projects. Installation is fast and easy, and this unit is compatible with standard Rust-Oleum spray cans. Rust-Oleum Economy Spray Grip: Easy slide-on grip fits any spray can2-finger trigger minimizes fatigue and provides more control for a professional finish for more control and a smoother coating. Keeps hands clean by positioning fingers away from the nozzle. Easy to install and remove as needed.
Category: Activities of Daily Living

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