Flying Friendlier Skies with Mobility AT
Wednesday, August 16, 2017

By Aimee Sterk, LMSW, MATP Program Staff
I was recently reminded of the RESNA (Rehab Engineering Society of North America) annual conference I attended in Indianapolis a couple years ago. There I met representatives from Scootaround who told me about a program I hadn’t heard of—Total Mobility Management for Airlines—they help people whose wheelchairs and powerchairs are damaged by airlines. Scootaround gets the devices repaired or replaced and supplies loaner chairs to use in the meantime.
Scootaround staff informed me that they have a nationwide network and work with all of the airlines to provide full service repair of scooters, wheelchairs and powerchairs. I had never heard about this service. While I don’t use a mobility device myself, I have many friends that do and have heard horror stories about airline experiences. In fact, several of my friends travel exclusively by car/train because of damage done to their powerchairs by airlines.
These stories made were in the back of my mind as I excitedly asked about how the program works. It looks like they get paid by the airlines to process these claims and provide this service. They have claims staff available 24 hours a day, every day. They work with local vendors with good track records at the arrival and/or departure location to service the devices. They also offer training and support to airline personnel on handling assistive devices.
Have you tried Scootaround’s airline service? What was your experience?
It looks like they also provide scooter rentals all around North America and help companies/events planners too by providing devices for conferences. Have you tried them for these services? What was your experience?
We are always looking to expand our knowledge of resources available. Please share your knowledge and stories. Happy Traveling!