Are You Spring Cleaning? Consider using the!
Thursday, March 29, 2018

While the weather in this part of Michigan continues the long cold winter, there are some subtle signs of Spring, despite the snow coming the next few days! We were woken from a deep sleep last night at about 3 AM by an encompassing awful (!) aroma of skunk. I’ll take daffodils any day over that sign of Spring!
One of the things many people do in the Spring is clean and clean out. As you delve into those closets and garages, you may find still usable assistive devices that have been outgrown, replaced or no longer needed. If so consider listing these on the Michigan’s Assistive Technology Xchange web site!
The AT Xchange is a web site where people can buy, sell, or give away assistive technology (AT). The AT Xchange is open to vendors who have used equipment for sale also don’t worry about cost, AT Xchange is a free service! Check out our article on safe online buying and selling using the ATxchange: Using the ATXchange: Buying and Selling Tips.
Did you know you can also check to see if someone has posted a want ad? One the site, select “Items” and then under Item Type, select “wanted”.
And if you need Assistive Technology to help with your Spring Cleaning, you can check out our webinar on AT for Spring Cleaning!
Spring will come (eventually). I can’t wait to open windows and see flowers! Happy Spring Everyone!