Communication Frustration and Assistive Technology
The Problem Rachel Dancy posted this lesson in frustration on The Mighty. The problem Rachel describes with stuttering also occurs with disability “accents” where a disability characteristic makes speech less clear. I decided to take a crack at coming up with some AT that could help reduce this kind of frustration. And I found some described…
Read MoreThe Role of Assistive Tech (AT) in Recovery from Domestic Violence: Part One
Introduction Most of the focus of MDRC’s AT work in domestic violence involves assuring that people with disabilities who are assaulted are able to access existing resources to the same extent that anyone without a disability can. These resources include shelters, support of personal resource needs, support for personal and family safety, and effective use…
Read MoreThe Struggle is Real – Grocery Shopping while Disabled
By Lucia Rios, Guest Blogger The first time I was left on my own to shop, my wheelchair accidentally hit a large Rubbermaid display. It came crashing down and anyone within earshot probably heard. I had two thoughts in that moment – Rubbermaid makes a lot of noise and did anyone notice it was me?!…
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