Comfort Duett with Neckloop and Headphones
Not quite ready for a hearing aid, but having a hard time communicating in noisy situations or one-on one? Do you have a hearing aid, but it’s just not enough in some situations? Comfort Duett is a small, easy-to-use, rechargeable, personal assistive listening device with superior sound. Use it with earphones in place of a hearing aid, or with an induction neck loop (included), to amplify conversations and sounds from a variety of sources like the TV, radio, telephone, etc. Two year warranty. Ninety day warranty on headphone/earbud and other accessories. Up to 60dB of amplification. Functions as a t-coil induction receiver. Ideal for one-on-one, small groups, and in a car. Optional TV and telephone listening kits available .Compatible with neck loop, headphone/earphone, and t-coil.
Category: Hearing Loss

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